Common Eye Problems in Children

Your child’s vision can be impacted by numerous eye conditions. If you believe your child may have an eye condition or if they have failed a vision test, your best option is visiting a pediatric eye doctor. Having your child’s eyes examined and diagnosed...
Signs Your Child May Need Glasses or Contacts

Signs Your Child May Need Glasses or Contacts

As a parent, it can often be difficult to notice the first few signs of a decline in your child’s eyesight. While we all wish we could sometimes use some magic machine that could let us see what they see, we instead have to rely on what they have to say coupled...

Nearsightedness (Myopia) Control In Children

“I have a high prescription. Will my kids have a high prescription too?” “Is it harmful for my child to be on a computer/tablet/phone for several hours a day? Will it damage their eyes?” These are common questions from parents that we get all the time! The answer is…...

What Is Amblyopia aka “Lazy Eye”

I’ve never liked the term lazy eye, because it’s so misleading! Why do I say that? Well, let’s talk about what amblyopia is first. Amblyopia is a condition that occurs when the communication between the eye and the brain aren’t developing properly. This can occur for...
When should children have their first exam?

When should children have their first exam?

Good question. When should a child have their first eye exam? Doesn’t the pediatrician do an examination at their regular check ups? The answer to that last question is sadly, no. Pediatricians aren’t equipped to assess the full eye health in their clinics. Many of...